Anorm, 简单的 SQL 数据访问
Play 包含一个简单的数据访问层,叫 Anorm ,它使用纯SQL来与数据库进行交互,并提供一个API来解析和传输生成的数据集。
Anorm 不是一个对象关联映射(Object Relational Mapper)
In the following documentation, we will use the MySQL world sample database .
If you want to enable it for your application, follow the MySQL website instructions, and configure it as explained on the Scala database page .
It can feel strange to return to plain old SQL to access an SQL database these days, especially for Java developers accustomed to using a high-level Object Relational Mapper like Hibernate to completely hide this aspect.
Although we agree that these tools are almost required in Java, we think that they are not needed at all when you have the power of a higher-level programming language like Scala. On the contrary, they will quickly become counter-productive.
Using JDBC is a pain, but we provide a better API
We agree that using the JDBC API directly is tedious, particularly in Java. You have to deal with checked exceptions everywhere and iterate over and over around the ResultSet to transform this raw dataset into your own data structure.
We provide a simpler API for JDBC; using Scala you don’t need to bother with exceptions, and transforming data is really easy with a functional language. In fact, the goal of the Play Scala SQL access layer is to provide several APIs to effectively transform JDBC data into other Scala structures.
You don’t need another DSL to access relational databases
SQL is already the best DSL for accessing relational databases. We don’t need to invent something new. Moreover the SQL syntax and features can differ from one database vendor to another.
If you try to abstract this point with another proprietary SQL like DSL you will have to deal with several ‘dialects’ dedicated for each vendor (like Hibernate ones), and limit yourself by not using a particular database’s interesting features.
Play will sometimes provide you with pre-filled SQL statements, but the idea is not to hide the fact that we use SQL under the hood. Play just saves typing a bunch of characters for trivial queries, and you can always fall back to plain old SQL.
A type safe DSL to generate SQL is a mistake
Some argue that a type safe DSL is better since all your queries are checked by the compiler. Unfortunately the compiler checks your queries based on a meta-model definition that you often write yourself by ‘mapping’ your data structure to the database schema.
There are no guarantees that this meta-model is correct. Even if the compiler says that your code and your queries are correctly typed, it can still miserably fail at runtime because of a mismatch in your actual database definition.
Take Control of your SQL code
Object Relational Mapping works well for trivial cases, but when you have to deal with complex schemas or existing databases, you will spend most of your time fighting with your ORM to make it generate the SQL queries you want.
Writing SQL queries yourself can be tedious for a simple ‘Hello World’ application, but for any real-life application, you will eventually save time and simplify your code by taking full control of your SQL code.
Add Anorm to your project
You will need to add Anorm and JDBC plugin to your dependencies :
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"" %% "anorm" % "2.4.0"
Executing SQL queries
To start you need to learn how to execute SQL queries.
First, import anorm._
, and then simply use the SQL
object to create queries. You need a Connection
to run a query, and you can retrieve one from the play.api.db.DB
import anorm._
import play.api.db.DB
DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
val result: Boolean = SQL("Select 1").execute()
The execute()
method returns a Boolean value indicating whether the execution was successful.
To execute an update, you can use executeUpdate()
, which returns the number of rows updated.
val result: Int = SQL("delete from City where id = 99").executeUpdate()
If you are inserting data that has an auto-generated Long
primary key, you can call executeInsert()
val id: Option[Long] =
SQL("insert into City(name, country) values ({name}, {country})")
.on('name -> "Cambridge", 'country -> "New Zealand").executeInsert()
When key generated on insertion is not a single Long
, executeInsert
can be passed a ResultSetParser
to return the correct key.
import anorm.SqlParser.str
val id: List[String] =
SQL("insert into City(name, country) values ({name}, {country})")
.on('name -> "Cambridge", 'country -> "New Zealand")
.executeInsert(str.+) // insertion returns a list of at least one string keys
Since Scala supports multi-line strings, feel free to use them for complex SQL statements:
val sqlQuery = SQL(
select * from Country c
join CountryLanguage l on l.CountryCode = c.Code
where c.code = 'FRA';
If your SQL query needs dynamic parameters, you can declare placeholders like {name}
in the query string, and later assign a value to them:
select * from Country c
join CountryLanguage l on l.CountryCode = c.Code
where c.code = {countryCode};
).on("countryCode" -> "FRA")
You can also use string interpolation to pass parameters (see details thereafter).
In case several columns are found with same name in query result, for example columns named code
in both Country
and CountryLanguage
tables, there can be ambiguity. By default a mapping like following one will use the last column:
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
val code: String = SQL(
select * from Country c
join CountryLanguage l on l.CountryCode = c.Code
where c.code = {countryCode}
.on("countryCode" -> "FRA").as(SqlParser.str("code").single)
If Country.Code
is ‘First’ and CountryLanguage
is ‘Second’, then in previous example code
value will be ‘Second’. Ambiguity can be resolved using qualified column name, with table name:
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
val code: String = SQL(
select * from Country c
join CountryLanguage l on l.CountryCode = c.Code
where c.code = {countryCode}
.on("countryCode" -> "FRA").as(SqlParser.str("Country.code").single)
// code == "First"
When a column is aliased, typically using SQL AS
, its value can also be resolved. Following example parses column with country_lang
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
val lang: String = SQL(
select l.language AS country_lang from Country c
join CountryLanguage l on l.CountryCode = c.Code
where c.code = {countryCode}
""").on("countryCode" -> "FRA").
Columns can also be specified by position, rather than name:
import anorm.SqlParser.{ str, float }
// Parsing column by name or position
val parser =
str("name") ~ float(3) /* third column as float */ map {
case name ~ f => (name -> f)
val product: (String, Float) = SQL("SELECT * FROM prod WHERE id = {id}").
on('id -> "p").as(parser.single)
can be used as parameter, in which case its string value is passed to statement.
SQL queries using String Interpolation
Since Scala 2.10 supports custom String Interpolation there is also a 1-step alternative to SQL(queryString).on(params)
seen before. You can abbreviate the code as:
val name = "Cambridge"
val country = "New Zealand"
SQL"insert into City(name, country) values ($name, $country)"
It also supports multi-line string and inline expresions:
val lang = "French"
val population = 10000000
val margin = 500000
val code: String = SQL"""
select * from Country c
join CountryLanguage l on l.CountryCode = c.Code
where l.Language = $lang and c.Population >= ${population - margin}
order by c.Population desc limit 1"""
This feature tries to make faster, more concise and easier to read the way to retrieve data in Anorm. Please, feel free to use it wherever you see a combination of SQL().on()
functions (or even an only SQL()
without parameters).
By using #$value
instead of $value
, interpolated value will be part of the prepared statement, rather being passed as a parameter when executing this SQL statement (e.g. #$cmd
and #$table
in example bellow).
val cmd = "SELECT"
val table = "Test"
SQL"""#$cmd * FROM #$table WHERE id = ${"id1"} AND code IN (${Seq(2, 5)})"""
// prepare the SQL statement, with 1 string and 2 integer parameters:
// SELECT * FROM Test WHERE id = ? AND code IN (?, ?)
Streaming results
Query results can be processed row per row, not having all loaded in memory.
In the following example we will count the number of country rows.
val countryCount: Either[List[Throwable], Long] =
SQL"Select count(*) as c from Country".fold(0L) { (c, _) => c + 1 }
In previous example, either it’s the successful
result (right), or the list of errors (left).
Result can also be partially processed:
val books: Either[List[Throwable], List[String]] =
SQL("Select name from Books").foldWhile(List[String]()) { (list, row) =>
if (list.size == 100) (list -> false) // stop with `list`
else (list := row[String]("name")) -> true // continue with one more name
It’s possible to use a custom streaming:
import anorm.{ Cursor, Row }
def go(c: Option[Cursor], l: List[String]): List[String] = c match {
case Some(cursor) => {
if (l.size == 100) l // custom limit, partial processing
else {
go(, l :+ cursor.row[String]("name"))
case _ => l
val books: Either[List[Throwable], List[String]] =
SQL("Select name from Books").withResult(go(_, List.empty[String]))
The parsing API can be used with streaming, using RowParser
on each cursor .row
. The previous example can be updated with row parser.
import scala.util.{ Try, Success => TrySuccess, Failure }
// bookParser: anorm.RowParser[Book]
def go(c: Option[Cursor], l: List[Book]): Try[List[Book]] = c match {
case Some(cursor) => {
if (l.size == 100) l // custom limit, partial processing
else {
val parsed: Try[Book] =
parsed match {
case TrySuccess(book) => // book successfully parsed from row
go(, l :+ book)
case Failure(f) => /* fails to parse a book */ Failure(f)
case _ => l
val books: Either[List[Throwable], Try[List[Book]]] =
SQL("Select name from Books").withResult(go(_, List.empty[Book]))
books match {
case Left(streamingErrors) => ???
case Right(Failure(parsingError)) => ???
case Right(TrySuccess(listOfBooks)) => ???
Multi-value support
Anorm parameter can be multi-value, like a sequence of string. In such case, values will be prepared to be passed to JDBC.
// With default formatting (", " as separator)
SQL("SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat IN ({categories})").
on('categories -> Seq("a", "b", "c")
// -> SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat IN ('a', 'b', 'c')
// With custom formatting
import anorm.SeqParameter
SQL("SELECT * FROM Test t WHERE {categories}").
on('categories -> SeqParameter(
values = Seq("a", "b", "c"), separator = " OR ",
post = ")"))
/* ->
On purpose multi-value parameter must strictly be declared with one of supported types (List
, Seq
). Value of a subtype must be passed as parameter with supported:
val seq = IndexedSeq("a", "b", "c")
// seq is instance of Seq with inferred type IndexedSeq[String]
// Wrong
SQL"SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat in ($seq)"
// Erroneous - No parameter conversion for IndexedSeq[T]
// Right
SQL"SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat in (${seq: Seq[String]})"
// Right
val param: Seq[String] = seq
SQL"SELECT * FROM Test WHERE cat in ($param)"
In case parameter type is JDBC array (java.sql.Array
), its value can be passed as Array[T]
, as long as element type T
is a supported one.
val arr = Array("fr", "en", "ja")
SQL"UPDATE Test SET langs = $arr".execute()
A column can also be multi-value if its type is JDBC array (java.sql.Array
), then it can be mapped to either array or list (Array[T]
or List[T]
), provided type of element (T
) is also supported in column mapping.
import anorm.SQL
import anorm.SqlParser.{ scalar, * }
// array and element parser
import anorm.Column.{ columnToArray, stringToArray }
val res: List[Array[String]] =
SQL("SELECT str_arr FROM tbl").as(scalar[Array[String]].*)
Convenient parsing functions is also provided for arrays with
Batch update
When you need to execute SQL statement several times with different arguments, batch query can be used (e.g. to execute a batch of insertions).
import anorm.BatchSql
val batch = BatchSql(
"INSERT INTO books(title, author) VALUES({title}, {author}",
Seq[NamedParameter]("title" -> "Play 2 for Scala", "author" -> Peter Hilton"),
Seq[NamedParameter]("title" -> "Learning Play! Framework 2",
"author" -> "Andy Petrella"))
val res: Array[Int] = batch.execute() // array of update count
Batch update must be called with at least one list of parameter. If a batch is executed with the mandatory first list of parameter being empty (e.g.
), only one statement will be executed (without parameter), which is equivalent toSQL(statement).executeUpdate()
Edge cases
Passing anything different from string or symbol as parameter name is now deprecated. For backward compatibility, you can activate
import anorm.features.parameterWithUntypedName // activate
val untyped: Any = "name" // deprecated
SQL("SELECT * FROM Country WHERE {p}").on(untyped -> "val")
Type of parameter value should be visible, to be properly set on SQL statement.
Using value as Any, explicitly or due to erasure, leads to compilation error No implicit view available from Any => anorm.ParameterValue
// Wrong #1
val p: Any = "strAsAny"
SQL("SELECT * FROM test WHERE id={id}").
on('id -> p) // Erroneous - No conversion Any => ParameterValue
// Right #1
val p = "strAsString"
SQL("SELECT * FROM test WHERE id={id}").on('id -> p)
// Wrong #2
val ps = Seq("a", "b", 3) // inferred as Seq[Any]
SQL("SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a={a} AND b={b}) OR c={c}").
on('a -> ps(0), // ps(0) - No conversion Any => ParameterValue
'b -> ps(1),
'c -> ps(2))
// Right #2
val ps = Seq[anorm.ParameterValue]("a", "b", 3) // Seq[ParameterValue]
SQL("SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a={a} AND b={b}) OR c={c}").
on('a -> ps(0), 'b -> ps(1), 'c -> ps(2))
// Wrong #3
val ts = Seq( // Seq[(String -> Any)] due to _2
"a" -> "1", "b" -> "2", "c" -> 3)
val nps: Seq[NamedParameter] = ts map { t =>
val p: NamedParameter = t; p
// Erroneous - no conversion (String,Any) => NamedParameter
SQL("SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a={a} AND b={b}) OR c={c}").on(nps :_*)
// Right #3
val nps = Seq[NamedParameter]( // Tuples as NamedParameter before Any
"a" -> "1", "b" -> "2", "c" -> 3)
SQL("SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a={a} AND b={b}) OR c={c}").
on(nps: _*) // Fail - no conversion (String,Any) => NamedParameter
For backward compatibility, you can activate such unsafe parameter conversion,
accepting untyped Any
value, with anorm.features.anyToStatement
import anorm.features.anyToStatement
val d = new java.util.Date()
val params: Seq[NamedParameter] = Seq("mod" -> d, "id" -> "idv")
// Values as Any as heterogenous
SQL("UPDATE item SET last_modified = {mod} WHERE id = {id}").on(params:_*)
It’s not recommanded because moreover hiding implicit resolution issues, as untyped it could lead to runtime conversion error, with values are passed on statement using setObject
In previous example, java.util.Date
is accepted as parameter but would with most databases raise error (as it’s not valid JDBC type).
In some cases, some JDBC drivers returns a result set positioned on the first row rather than before this first row (e.g. stored procedured with Oracle JDBC driver).
To handle such edge-case, .withResultSetOnFirstRow(true)
can be used as following.
SQL("EXEC stored_proc {arg}").on("arg" -> "val").withResultSetOnFirstRow(true)
SQL"""EXEC stored_proc ${"val"}""".withResultSetOnFirstRow(true)
Using Pattern Matching
You can also use Pattern Matching to match and extract the Row content. In this case the column name doesn’t matter. Only the order and the type of the parameters is used to match.
The following example transforms each row to the correct Scala type:
case class SmallCountry(name:String)
case class BigCountry(name:String)
case class France
val countries = SQL("SELECT name,population FROM Country WHERE id = {i}").
on("i" -> "id").map({
case Row("France", _) => France()
case Row(name:String, pop:Int) if(pop > 1000000) => BigCountry(name)
case Row(name:String, _) => SmallCountry(name)
Using for-comprehension
Row parser can be defined as for-comprehension, working with SQL result type. It can be useful when working with lot of column, possibly to work around case class limit.
import anorm.SqlParser.{ str, int }
val parser = for {
a <- str("colA")
b <- int("colB")
} yield (a -> b)
val parsed: (String, Int) = SELECT("SELECT * FROM Test").as(parser.single)
Retrieving data along with execution context
Moreover data, query execution involves context information like SQL warnings that may be raised (and may be fatal or not), especially when working with stored SQL procedure.
Way to get context information along with query data is to use executeQuery()
import anorm.SqlQueryResult
val res: SqlQueryResult = SQL("EXEC stored_proc {code}").
on('code -> code).executeQuery()
// Check execution context (there warnings) before going on
val str: Option[String] =
res.statementWarning match {
case Some(warning) =>
case _ =>[String].singleOpt) // go on row parsing
Working with optional/nullable values
If a column in database can contain Null
values, you need to parse it as an Option
For example, the indepYear
of the Country
table is nullable, so you need to match it as Option[Int]
case class Info(name: String, year: Option[Int])
val parser = str("name") ~ get[Option[Int]]("indepYear") map {
case n ~ y => Info(n, y)
val res: List[Info] = SQL("Select name,indepYear from Country").as(parser.*)
If you try to match this column as Int
it won’t be able to parse Null
values. Suppose you try to retrieve the column content as Int
directly from the dictionary:
SQL("Select name,indepYear from Country")().map { row =>
row[String]("name") -> row[Int]("indepYear")
This will produce an UnexpectedNullableFound(COUNTRY.INDEPYEAR)
exception if it encounters a null value, so you need to map it properly to an Option[Int]
A nullable parameter is also passed as Option[T]
, T being parameter base type (see Parameters section thereafter).
Passing directly
for a NULL value is not supported, as inferred asOption[Nothing]
being unsafe for a parameter value). In this case,Option.empty[T]
must be used.
// OK:
SQL("INSERT INTO Test(title) VALUES({title})").on("title" -> Some("Title"))
val title1 = Some("Title1")
SQL("INSERT INTO Test(title) VALUES({title})").on("title" -> title1)
val title2: Option[String] = None
// None inferred as Option[String] on assignment
SQL("INSERT INTO Test(title) VALUES({title})").on("title" -> title2)
// Not OK:
SQL("INSERT INTO Test(title) VALUES({title})").on("title" -> None)
// OK:
SQL"INSERT INTO Test(title) VALUES(${Option.empty[String]})"
Using the Parser API
You can use the parser API to create generic and reusable parsers that can parse the result of any select query.
Note: This is really useful, since most queries in a web application will return similar data sets. For example, if you have defined a parser able to parse a
from a result set, and anotherLanguage
parser, you can then easily compose them to parse both Country and Language from a join query.First you need to
import anorm.SqlParser._
Getting a single result
First you need a RowParser
, i.e. a parser able to parse one row to a Scala value. For example we can define a parser to transform a single column result set row, to a Scala Long
val rowParser = scalar[Long]
Then we have to transform it into a ResultSetParser
. Here we will create a parser that parse a single row:
val rsParser = scalar[Long].single
So this parser will parse a result set to return a Long
. It is useful to parse to result produced by a simple SQL select count
val count: Long =
SQL("select count(*) from Country").as(scalar[Long].single)
If expected single result is optional (0 or 1 row), then scalar
parser can be combined with singleOpt
val name: Option[String] =
SQL"SELECT name FROM Country WHERE code = $code" as scalar[String].singleOpt
Getting a single optional result
Let’s say you want to retrieve the country_id from the country name, but the query might return null. We’ll use the singleOpt parser :
val countryId: Option[Long] =
SQL("SELECT country_id FROM Country C WHERE'France'")
Getting a more complex result
Let’s write a more complicated parser:
str("name") ~ int("population")
, will create a RowParser
able to parse a row containing a String name
column and an Integer population
column. Then we can create a ResultSetParser
that will parse as many rows of this kind as it can, using *
val populations: List[String ~ Int] =
SQL("SELECT * FROM Country").as((str("name") ~ int("population")).*)
As you see, this query’s result type is List[String ~ Int]
- a list of country name and population items.
You can also rewrite the same code as:
val result: List[String ~ Int] = SQL("SELECT * FROM Country").
as((get[String]("name") ~ get[Int]("population")).*)
Now what about the String~Int
type? This is an Anorm type that is not really convenient to use outside of your database access code. You would rather have a simple tuple (String, Int)
instead. You can use the map
function on a RowParser
to transform its result to a more convenient type:
val parser = str("name") ~ int("population") map { case n ~ p => (n, p) }
Note: We created a tuple
(String, Int)
here, but there is nothing stopping you from transforming theRowParser
result to any other type, such as a custom case class.
Now, because transforming A ~ B ~ C
types to (A, B, C)
is a common task, we provide a flatten
function that does exactly that. So you finally write:
val result: List[(String, Int)] =
SQL("select * from Country").as(parser.flatten.*)
A RowParser
can be combined with any function to applied it with extracted columns.
import anorm.SqlParser.{ int, str, to }
def display(name: String, population: Int): String =
s"The population in $name is of $population."
val parser = str("name") ~ int("population") map (to(display _))
Note: The mapping function must be partially applied (syntax
fn _
) when givento
the parser (see SLS 6.26.2, 6.26.5 - Eta expansion ).
If list should not be empty, parser.+
can be used instead of parser.*
Anorm is providing parser combinators other than the most common ~
one: ~>
, <~
import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }, SqlParser.{ int, str }
// Combinator ~>
val String = SQL("SELECT * FROM test").as((int("id") ~> str("val")).single)
// row has to have an int column 'id' and a string 'val' one,
// keeping only 'val' in result
val Int = SQL("SELECT * FROM test").as((int("id") <~ str("val")).single)
// row has to have an int column 'id' and a string 'val' one,
// keeping only 'id' in result
A more complicated example
Now let’s try with a more complicated example. How to parse the result of the following query to retrieve the country name and all spoken languages for a country code?
select, l.language from Country c
join CountryLanguage l on l.CountryCode = c.Code
where c.code = 'FRA'
Let’s start by parsing all rows as a List[(String,String)]
(a list of name,language tuple):
var p: ResultSetParser[List[(String,String)]] = {
str("name") ~ str("language") map(flatten) *
Now we get this kind of result:
("France", "Arabic"),
("France", "French"),
("France", "Italian"),
("France", "Portuguese"),
("France", "Spanish"),
("France", "Turkish")
We can then use the Scala collection API, to transform it to the expected result:
case class SpokenLanguages(country:String, languages:Seq[String]) { f =>
Finally, we get this convenient function:
case class SpokenLanguages(country:String, languages:Seq[String])
def spokenLanguages(countryCode: String): Option[SpokenLanguages] = {
val languages: List[(String, String)] = SQL(
select, l.language from Country c
join CountryLanguage l on l.CountryCode = c.Code
where c.code = {code};
.on("code" -> countryCode)
.as(str("name") ~ str("language") map(flatten) *) { f =>
To continue, let’s complicate our example to separate the official language from the others:
case class SpokenLanguages(
officialLanguage: Option[String],
def spokenLanguages(countryCode: String): Option[SpokenLanguages] = {
val languages: List[(String, String, Boolean)] = SQL(
select * from Country c
join CountryLanguage l on l.CountryCode = c.Code
where c.code = {code};
.on("code" -> countryCode)
.as {
str("name") ~ str("language") ~ str("isOfficial") map {
case n~l~"T" => (n,l,true)
case n~l~"F" => (n,l,false)
} *
} { f =>
If you try this on the MySQL world sample database, you will get:
$ spokenLanguages("FRA")
> Some(
Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish
JDBC mappings
As already seen in this documentation, Anorm provides builtins converters between JDBC and JVM types.
Column parsers
Following table describes which JDBC numeric types (getters on java.sql.ResultSet
, first column) can be parsed to which Java/Scala types (e.g. integer column can be read as double value).
↓JDBC / JVM➞ BigDecimal1 BigInteger2 Boolean Byte Double Float Int Long Short BigDecimal1 Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No BigInteger2 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Boolean No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Byte Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Double Yes No No No Yes No No No No Float Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No Int Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Long Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Short Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
- Types
. - Types
The second table shows mappings for the other supported types.
↓JDBC / JVM➞ Array[T]3 Char List3 String UUID4 Array5 Yes No Yes No No Clob No Yes No Yes No Iterable6 Yes No Yes No No Long No No No No No String No Yes No Yes Yes UUID No No No No Yes
- Array which type
of elements is supported. - Type
. - Type
. - Type
Optional column can be parsed as Option[T]
, as soon as T
is supported.
Binary data types are also supported.
↓JDBC / JVM➞ Array[Byte] InputStream1 Array[Byte] Yes Yes Blob2 Yes Yes Clob3 No No InputStream4 Yes Yes Reader5 No No
- Type
. - Type
. - Type
. - Type
CLOBs/TEXTs can be extracted as so:
SQL("Select name,summary from Country")().map {
case Row(name: String, summary: java.sql.Clob) => name -> summary
Here we specifically chose to use map
, as we want an exception if the row isn’t in the format we expect.
Extracting binary data is similarly possible:
SQL("Select name,image from Country")().map {
case Row(name: String, image: Array[Byte]) => name -> image
For types where column support is provided by Anorm, convenient functions are available to ease writing custom parsers. Each of these functions parses column either by name or index (> 1).
import anorm.SqlParser.str // String function
str(1/* columnIndex)
Type Function Array[Byte] byteArray Boolean bool Byte byte Date date Double double Float float InputStream1 binaryStream Int int Long long Short short String str
- Type
The Joda and Java 8 temporal types are also supported.
↓JDBC / JVM➞ Date1 DateTime2 Instant3 Date Yes Yes Yes Long Yes Yes Yes Timestamp Yes Yes Yes Timestamp wrapper5 Yes Yes Yes
- Type
. - Types
org.joda.time.DateTime, java.time.LocalDateTime
. - Type
(see Java 8). - Any type with a getter
returning ajava.sql.Timestamp
It’s possible to add custom mapping, for example if underlying DB doesn’t support boolean datatype and returns integer instead. To do so, you have to provide a new implicit conversion for Column[T]
, where T is the target Scala type:
import anorm.Column
// Custom conversion from JDBC column to Boolean
implicit def columnToBoolean: Column[Boolean] =
Column.nonNull1 { (value, meta) =>
val MetaDataItem(qualified, nullable, clazz) = meta
value match {
case bool: Boolean => Right(bool) // Provided-default case
case bit: Int => Right(bit == 1) // Custom conversion
case _ => Left(TypeDoesNotMatch(s"Cannot convert $value: ${value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass} to Boolean for column $qualified"))
The following table indicates how JVM types are mapped to JDBC parameter types:
JVM JDBC Nullable
Array[T]1 Array2 with T
mapping for each element Yes
BigDecimal3 BigDecimal Yes
BigInteger4 BigDecimal Yes
Boolean5 Boolean Yes
Byte6 Byte Yes
Char7/String String Yes
Date/Timestamp Timestamp Yes
Double8 Double Yes
Float9 Float Yes
Int10 Int Yes
List[T] Multi-value11, with T
mapping for each element No
Long12 Long Yes
Object13 Object Yes
Option[T] T
being type if some defined value No
Seq[T] Multi-value, with T
mapping for each element No
Set[T]14 Multi-value, with T
mapping for each element No
Short15 Short Yes
SortedSet[T]16 Multi-value, with T
mapping for each element No
Stream[T] Multi-value, with T
mapping for each element No
UUID String17 No
Vector Multi-value, with T
mapping for each element No
- Type Scala
. - Type
. - Types
. - Types
. - Types
. - Types
. - Types
. - Types compatible with
, and any wrapper type withgetTimestamp: java.sql.Timestamp
. - Types
. - Types
. - Types
. - Types
. - Type
, wrapping opaque object. - Multi-value parameter, with one JDBC placeholder (
) added for each element. - Type
. - Types
. - Type
. - Not-null value extracted using
for a nullable parameter is deprecated, and typesafeOption.empty[T]
must be use instead.
Large and stream parameters are also supported.
JVM JDBC Array[Byte] Long varbinary Blob1 Blob InputStream2 Long varbinary Reader3 Long varchar
- Type
- Type
- Type
Joda and Java 8 temporal types are supported as parameters:
JVM JDBC DateTime1 Timestamp Instant2 Timestamp LocalDateTime3 Timestamp ZonedDateTime4 Timestamp
- Type
. - Type
. - Type
. - Type
Custom or specific DB conversion for parameter can also be provided:
import java.sql.PreparedStatement
import anorm.ToStatement
// Custom conversion to statement for type T
implicit def customToStatement: ToStatement[T] = new ToStatement[T] {
def set(statement: PreparedStatement, i: Int, value: T): Unit =
??? // Sets |value| on |statement|
If involved type accept null
value, it must be appropriately handled in conversion. The NotNullGuard
trait can be used to explicitly refuse null
values in parameter conversion: new ToStatement[T] with NotNullGuard { /* ... */ }
DB specific parameter can be explicitly passed as opaque value.
In this case at your own risk, setObject
will be used on statement.
val anyVal: Any = myVal
SQL("UPDATE t SET v = {opaque}").on('opaque -> anorm.Object(anyVal))