



Play有很多配置选项。你可以配置数据库连接URLs, 应用程序secret, HTTP端口, SSL配置, 如此等等。

多数Play的配置是定义在多种.conf 文件中, 使用HOCON格式。主配置文件是使用application.conf 文件。你可以在项目内的conf/application.conf 找到这个文件。application.conf 文件在运行从类路径中加载(或者你也可以重写它从哪里加载)。每个项目只能有一个application.conf

其它.conf 也是一样加载。库定义的默认设置在reference.conf 文件中。这些文件保存在库的JARs中 — 每个JAR只有一个reference.conf — 并且在运行时聚合在一起。reference.conf 文件提供默认设置; 他们可以通过在application.conf 文件中定义的设置重写。

Play的配置也可以通过使用系统属性和环境变量来定义。当设置环境的变化时,这可以方便; 当你的应用程序运行在不同的环境时,你可以使用application.conf 作为公共设置, 但使用系统属性和环境变量来改变设置。

系统属性重写在application.conf 中的设置, 并且application.conf 重写在各种reference.conf 文件中的默认设置。


  • 使用一个替换的application.conf 文件。
  • 使用系统属性重写单独的设置。
  • 使用环境变量注入配置值。



使用 -Dconfig.resource

这会在应用程序类路径搜索一个替换配置文件(通常是在打包前把这些替换配置文件放到应用程序conf/ 目录)。Play会查找conf/ ,所以你不需要添加conf/

$ /path/to/bin/ -Dconfig.resource=prod.conf

使用 -Dconfig.file


$ /path/to/bin/ -Dconfig.file=/opt/conf/prod.conf

注意你总是可以在新的prod.conf 文件引用原始配置文件,使用include 指令, 如:

include "application.conf"



有时候您不想指定一个完整的配置文件, 但只覆盖一堆的特定键。你可以通过指定他们作为Java系统属性:

$ /path/to/bin/ -Dplay.crypto.secret=abcdefghijk -Ddb.default.password=toto


你可以使用系统属性很容易的提供HTTP端口和地址。默认是在0.0.0.0地址的9000 端口(所有地址)。

$ /path/to/bin/ -Dhttp.port=1234 -Dhttp.address=


可以更改包含启动应用程序的进程id的文件路径。通常这个文件是放在你的play项目的根目录下, 但是建议你把它放在重新启动时它会自动清除的某个地方,如/var/run:

$ /path/to/bin/ -Dpidfile.path=/var/run/play.pid


使用这个文件, 你可以使用kill 命令停止你的应用程序, 例如:

$ kill $(cat /var/run/play.pid)


你可以从application.conf 文件引用环境变量:

my.key = defaultvalue
my.key = ${?MY_KEY_ENV}

这里, 如果没有MY_KEY_ENV这个环境变量的值,my.key = ${?MY_KEY_ENV} 字段就会忽略, 但如果你设置了环境变量MY_KEY_ENV , 它就会被使用。


服务器配置选项的完整列表, 包括默认的, 就像下面看到的:

play {
  server {

    # The root directory for the Play server instance. This value can
    # be set by providing a path as the first argument to the Play server
    # launcher script. See `ServerConfig.loadConfiguration`.
    dir = ${?user.dir}

    # HTTP configuration
    http {
      # The HTTP port of the server. Use a value of "disabled" if the server
      # shouldn't bind an HTTP port.
      port = 9000
      port = ${?http.port}

      # The interface address to bind to.
      address = ""
      address = ${?http.address}

    # HTTPS configuration
    https {

      # The HTTPS port of the server.
      port = ${?https.port}

      # The interface address to bind to
      address = ""
      address = ${?https.address}

      # The SSL engine provider
      engineProvider = "play.core.server.ssl.DefaultSSLEngineProvider"
      engineProvider = ${?play.http.sslengineprovider}

      # HTTPS keystore configuration, used by the default SSL engine provider
      keyStore {
        # The path to the keystore
        path = ${?https.keyStore}

        # The type of the keystore
        type = "JKS"
        type = ${?https.keyStoreType}

        # The password for the keystore
        password = ""
        password = ${?https.keyStorePassword}

        # The algorithm to use. If not set, uses the platform default algorithm.
        algorithm = ${?https.keyStoreAlgorithm}

      # HTTPS truststore configuration
      trustStore {

        # If true, does not do CA verification on client side certificates
        noCaVerification = false

    # The type of ServerProvider that should be used to create the server.
    # If not provided, the ServerStart class that instantiates the server
    # will provide a default value.
    provider = ${?server.provider}

    # The path to the process id file created by the server when it runs.
    # If set to "/dev/null" then no pid file will be created.
    pidfile.path = ${play.server.dir}/RUNNING_PID
    pidfile.path = ${?pidfile.path}

    # Configuration options specific to Netty
    netty {
      # The maximum length of the initial line. This effectively restricts the maximum length of a URL that the server will
      # accept, the initial line consists of the method (3-7 characters), the URL, and the HTTP version (8 characters),
      # including typical whitespace, the maximum URL length will be this number - 18.
      maxInitialLineLength = 4096
      maxInitialLineLength = ${?http.netty.maxInitialLineLength}

      # The maximum length of the HTTP headers. The most common effect of this is a restriction in cookie length, including
      # number of cookies and size of cookie values.
      maxHeaderSize = 8192
      maxHeaderSize = ${?http.netty.maxHeaderSize}

      # The maximum length of body bytes that Netty will read into memory at a time.
      # This is used in many ways.  Note that this setting has no relation to HTTP chunked transfer encoding - Netty will
      # read "chunks", that is, byte buffers worth of content at a time and pass it to Play, regardless of whether the body
      # is using HTTP chunked transfer encoding.  A single HTTP chunk could span multiple Netty chunks if it exceeds this.
      # A body that is not HTTP chunked will span multiple Netty chunks if it exceeds this or if no content length is
      # specified. This only controls the maximum length of the Netty chunk byte buffers.
      maxChunkSize = 8192
      maxChunkSize = ${?http.netty.maxChunkSize}

      # Whether the Netty wire should be logged
      log.wire = false
      log.wire = ${?http.netty.log.wire}

      # Netty options. Possible keys here are defined by:
      # http://netty.io/3.9/api/org/jboss/netty/channel/socket/SocketChannelConfig.html
      # http://netty.io/3.9/api/org/jboss/netty/channel/socket/ServerSocketChannelConfig.html
      # http://netty.io/3.9/api/org/jboss/netty/channel/socket/nio/NioSocketChannelConfig.html
      # Options that pertain to the listening server socket are defined at the top level, options for the sockets associated
      # with received client connections are prefixed with child.*
      option {

        # Set whether connections should use TCP keep alive
        # child.keepAlive = false

        # Set whether the TCP no delay flag is set
        # child.tcpNoDelay = false

        # Set the size of the backlog of TCP connections.  The default and exact meaning of this parameter is JDK specific.
        # backlog = 100

  # Configuration specific to Play's experimental Akka HTTP backend
  akka {
    # How long to wait when binding to the listening socket
    http-bind-timeout = 5 seconds





你也可以通过系统属性指定另一个logback配置文件。请注意如果配置文件没有指定,那么play 会使用默认logback.xml ,它在play生产模式自带。这意味着在application.conf 文件中的任何日志级别设置会被重写。一个好的方式是总是指定你的logback.xml

使用 -Dlogger.resource


$ /path/to/bin/ -Dlogger.resource=conf/prod-logger.xml

使用 -Dlogger.file


$ /path/to/bin/ -Dlogger.file=/opt/prod/prod-logger.xml

使用 -Dlogger.url


$ /path/to/bin/ -Dlogger.url=http://conf.mycompany.com/logger.xml

JVM 配置


$ /path/to/bin/ -J-Xms128M -J-Xmx512m -J-server

为方便起见,你也可以一次性设置内存min, max, permgen 和保留代码缓存大小; 有一个计算公式用来确定这些值给定的支持参数(代表最大内存):

$ /path/to/bin/ -mem 512 -J-server